Performance management is central as how to proceed going forward and how to maximise potential profits. This does not come easily and from an individual view perhaps a fresh perspective is needed on the matter. That is one option where mentors or business advisors assess the situation at hand. There are some steps as to how you can assess the performance yourself.

These steps are:

1. Measurement – Establish performance measures, measurable behavioural goals and   current behaviours.

2. Appraisal – By comparing current behaviours with the different behavioural goals you can identify differences.

3. Action – Implement a plan, and then for each difference you plan how to bring behaviours in line with goals.

4. Monitor – Ensure any new plans are being followed, then at an appropriate time return to the appraisal stage to assess any impact.

These steps can be done with relative ease and in an appropriate timescale to boot. These also work in conjunction with business advisors in which you can set out plans for performance assessment.

There are out of the box measures especially if your business is driven on the net. SEO and SMO are natural options in which you can garner relevant data and apply it properly. SEO will include all data from search engine rankings etc and SMO will deal with social media pages. It is the 4 steps that give the foundations how to improve the business situations whatever the position he/she may be in.